Home 예비교사 교육지원


Hello! I am Seoung-Hey Paik, the director of the Convergence Education Research Institute(CERI).
Convergence Education Research Institute at Korean National University of Education started in 2015 with the need for fundamental changes in education to foster the human resources needed in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
In line with the new curriculum, the institute has developed a free semester convergence education program and trained teachers and school administrators, established a learning community of free semester teachers and pre-service teachers, operated a field-based classroom support group, operated field experience education for convergence exploration in middle and high schools, and established a mentoring system for pre-service teachers in cooperation with the Korean Association of Chief Teachers, Various activities for creative and character education, production and distribution of various publications on convergence education, teacher education exchanges and workshops on convergence education with international organizations, and exchanges with alternative schools and out-of-school support systems.
As a result of these achievements, we were selected as a key research center for humanities and society supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea in 2019. In the future, we will make further efforts to build a platform for revitalizing convergence education in response to changes in the education ecosystem and to innovate preservice teacher education for the future.
Thank you.

예비교사 교육지원

  • 국제융합교육발전학회
  • 씨드
  • 4D프레임
  • 하늘소리오카리나
  • 전국교사힐링상담센터
  • 깨봉수학
  • 청송교육문화진흥회
  • 한국인문사회연구소 협의회