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진로와 융합교육

[도서] International Practices of Career Services, Credentialing and Training
서재욱  Date : 2024-07-08 14:41:52     Hit : 97

Chapter 1:  Introduction


Chapter 2:  Qualifications for Australian Career Development Practitioners


Chapter 3:  Career Service Provision in Canada: Deep Roots & Diverse Practices


Chapter 4:  Career Services and Professionals in Mainland China's Educational Settings


Chapter 5:  Status of Career Services and Credentialing in Colombia from 2010 To 2016


Chapter 6:  The European Status for Career Service Provider Credentialing: Professionalism in European Union (EU) Guidance Policies


Chapter 7: The State of Career Services and Career Professionals in India


Chapter 8: Career Services and Professionals in Japan


Chapter 9:  The Status of Career Development in South Korea: Qualifications for Career Professionals


Chapter 10:  The Practice of Career Counseling in Taiwan


Chapter 11:  Career Counseling in the United Arab Emirates


Chapter 12:  The State of Career Services in Uganda


Chapter 13:  History of Career Services Provider Credentialing in the USA


Chapter 14:  Syntheses and Future Directions for Career Services, Credentials, and Training




출처=NCDA(National Career Development Association)


  • 국제융합교육발전학회
  • 씨드
  • 4D프레임
  • 하늘소리오카리나
  • 전국교사힐링상담센터
  • 깨봉수학
  • 청송교육문화진흥회
  • 한국인문사회연구소 협의회