[Convergence Education Review] Rules for writing a manuscript
Establish 23 July 2015 (Regulation No.1)
Revision 19 March 2021 (Regulation No.1)
Revision 30 January 2024 (Regulation No.1)
1. Manuscript Composition Form
- A. In principle, a manuscript should be written in Hancom Office (hwp, hwpx) or Microsoft Word (docx).
- B. Manuscripts can be written in Korean or English. If the manuscript is written in Korean, the title, authors, and contents must be in written Korean only and cannot be mixed with Chinese characters. However, if it is necessary to use Chinese characters and English due to the content, the Chinese characters and English shall be written in parentheses after the Korean characters.
C. The manuscript shall be organized in the following order: title (Korean), author's personal information (Korean), abstract (Korean), main text, references, title (English), author's affiliation (English), and abstract (English).
- 1) The Korean abstract should include the research objectives, research methods, results, and conclusions.
- 2) The Korean abstract should be around 10 lines, and the English abstract should be within 250 words.
- 3) At the end of the Korean (English) abstract, around five key words should be suggested.
D. Disclosures (dissertations, research grants, etc.) should be footnoted in the title of the paper.
- 1) If the submitted article is an abbreviated version or part of a thesis or a conference presentation, the source must be specified. In this case, the thesis or conference paper must be specified in the references of the submitted article.
- 2) If the submitted article is an abbreviated version of a thesis, it should be indicated as follows.
- 3) Ex. This paper is an abbreviated version of the 00 thesis of the first author, Gil-dong Hong.
- 4) If the submitted article is excerpted from a thesis without further research, it should be written as follows.
- 5) Ex. This paper is excerpted from the 00 thesis of the first author, Gil-dong Hong.
- 6) If the submitted article contains a part of the thesis and some parts are newly included, it is written as follows.
- 7) Ex. This paper is based on the 00 thesis of the first author, Gil-dong Hong, with additional research.
- 8) If the submitted paper is the same as the conference presentation, it should be written as follows.
- 9) Ex. This paper is a revised and supplemented version of a paper presented at the Convergence Education Research Institute 2024 Spring Conference.
- E. If there is an approval number from the Institutional Review Board (IRB), insert it immediately before the bibliography and write down the relevant information.
- F. The author’s name, affiliations and positions should be presented by using footnotes next to the author's name. Unless otherwise indicated, the first listed author is the first author, and the last author is the corresponding author. However, the corresponding author's email should appear next to his/her title.
- G. Additional co-authors (co-first author, co-corresponding author) may be designated according to their contributions.
- H. For the first author, ‘**’ should be presented as superscript to the right of the name. For co-first authors, ‘**’ should be presented as superscript to the right of the name as well. For corresponding author, ‘***’ should appear as superscript to the right of the name. For co-corresponding authors, add ‘***’ to the right of the name as superscript. If there are two or more first and corresponding authors, indicate ‘**’ or ‘***’ and add the statement in English as follows: “These authors contributed equally to this work” at the bottom.
- I. Manuscripts should be 20 or less pages in length, but may be longer if necessary.
2. Editorial specifications and formatting
- A. If the manuscript is in Korean, set the width of the editorial paper to 188×257, the margins of the paper to 20 top, 18 bottom, 28 left and right, 12 header, 10 footer, and 0 binding. If it is written in English, set the width of the editorial paper to 188×257, the margins of the paper to 2.54 cm top, 2.54 cm bottom, 2.54 cm left and right, 0 header, 0 footer, and 0 binding.
B. Font and paragraph formatting:
1) The title of a paper
- Korean: 휴먼명조, 16 pt, bold, line spacing 170, centered
- English: Times New Roman 12 pt, double spacing, centered
2) The name of an author
- Korean: 휴먼명조, 10 pt, align text right
- English: Times New Roman, 12 pt, double spacing, centered
3) Abstract
- Korean: 휴먼명조, 9.5 pt, horizontally scale 95, tracking -5, indent 10, line spacing 160, justified
- English: Times New Roman 12 pt, double spacing, justified
4) Body of text
- Korean: 휴먼명조, 10 pt, horizontally scale 95, tracking -3, indent 15, line spacing 170, justified
- English: Times New Roman 12 pt, double spacing, justified
5) Tables, Figures
- Korean: 휴먼고딕, 9 pt, horizontally scale 95, tracking -3, indent 0, line spacing 150, centered
- English: Times New Roman 12 pt, double spacing, justified
6) Direct quotations
- Korean: 휴먼명조, 9.5 pt, 20 left and right margins, indent 10, line spacing 160, centered
- English: Times New Roman 12 pt, double spacing, align test left
7) Footnotes
- Korean: 휴먼명조, 9.5 pt, horizontally scale 95, tracking -5, justified
- English: Times New Roman 12 pt, double spacing, align test left
8) References
- Korean: 휴먼명조, 10 pt, horizontally scale 95, tracking -3, outdent 30, line spacing 170, justified
- English: Times New Roman 12 pt, double spacing, indent 3cm, align test left
1) The title of a paper
C. Title numbering and formatting
1st level
- Korean: Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ …… (휴먼명조, 13 pt, horizontally scale 100, tracking -5, line spacing 170, centered)
- English: Times New Roman 12 pt, bold, double spacing, centered
2nd level
- Korean: 1, 2, 3 ……………… (휴먼명조, 11 pt, horizontally scale 95, tracking -3, indent 0, justified)
- English: Times New Roman 12 pt, bold, double spacing, align text left
3rd level
- Korean: 1), 2), 3) …………… (휴먼명조, 10 pt, horizontally scale 95, tracking -3, indent 10, justified)
- English: Times New Roman 12pt, bold, indent 1.27cm, double spacing, justified
4th level
- Korean: (1), (2), (3), ………… (휴먼명조, 10 pt, horizontally scale 95, tracking -3, indent 10, justified)
- English: Times New Roman 12pt, bold, italicized, indent 1.27cm, double spacing, justified
1st level
D. Tables and figures
- 1) Make all vertical lines in tables invisible, and set the top line of the table to 0.4mm and the bottom to 0.5mm.
- 2) Set the width and height of tables and figures to be clear for readability.
- 3) Treat all tables and figures as text, but turn them off if they go beyond the page.
- 4) The title of the table should be centered at the top of the table with the number using angle brackets “< >”.
- 5) The title of the figure should be centered at the bottom of the figure with the number using square brackets “[ ]”.
3. Citation
A. Direct quotation
- 1) If the length of quote is short, the content is written by using quotation mark in the content.
- 2) If the length of quote is 3 or more lines, separate it from the text. It should be separated from the text by leaving one line spacing below and above the quotation, and do not use quotation marks.
- 3) At the end of the quote, punctuate it with a period, space it out, and include the source of the quote in parentheses.
B. Indirect citation
- 1) When citing indirectly, specify that it is a citation and specify the author and year of publication in parentheses.
C. Citation of sources
- 1) If the cited book or author’s name does not appear in the text, indicate the author and year of publication in parentheses “( )”.
- 2) Separate different works by the same author with a comma “ ,” and works by different authors with a semicolon “;”.
- 3) When citing multiple works at the same time, list them in the order of Korean literature, English literature, and other language literature, and list them according to the alphabetical arrangement of the author’s name.
Ex. According to previous studies (홍길동, 1992, 1996, 1999; Anderson, 1990; Lippitz, 1988), - 4) In the case of using the secondary source, it is indicated in the following form
(Eddington, 1927, p.51; as cited in Davies, 1997)
D. Authors
- 1) List all authors, but separate Korean names with “.” and English names with “&”.
Ex. (Bowles & Gintis, 2002). - 2) However, if there are 4 or more authors, both the first and repeated citations can be written as et al. after the first author’s surname.
Ex. It is composed of ... (McCombs et al., 2008).
Ex. It would be ... (홍길동 외, 2008). - 3) If a translated work is cited, it should be written in the form of “original year/translation year”.
- 4) However, if the year of the original work is unknown, write it as “year of translation”.
Ex. ... is … (Tyler, 1971/1995).
- 1) List all authors, but separate Korean names with “.” and English names with “&”.
4. References
A. References should be listed according to the following rules.
- 1) When referencing literature from multiple countries, list them in order of Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and Western books according to the country of publication.
- 2) Literature published in the same country should be listed in the order given below.
- 3) List each reference according to the alphabetical order of the author's name.
B. General books
- 1) Author. (year of publication). Title(edition). City of publication: Publisher name.
- 2) The title of the Korean books should be written in bold, and that of the English books should be written in italics.
- 3) Authors of Korean books are written with their last and first names without space, and authors of English books are written with their family name, but only the initials of their first name, with the abbreviation “.”. For the middle name, use only the initials and put the abbreviation “.”.
- 4) Chinese and Japanese books should be written according to Korean books, and other books should be written according to English books.
- 5) Capitalize only the first letter of the title and subtitle, and lowercase all other words.
- 6) Capitalize all the first letters of the name of the periodical and the names of people, places, and publishers in the title.
- 7) Revised editions are specified as “revised edition” or “revised and expanded edition” in parentheses following the title. In the case of an English book, it is written as “2nd ed.”.
- 8) When listing multiple authors, both Korean and English books should be separated by comma “,”. However, in the case of English books, use “&” before the last author, such as ○○, ○○, & ○○, etc.
- 9) If there are four or more authors, you can also write “○○○ 외” (Korean) or “○○ et al.” (English).
Ex. 황정규(1984). 학교 학습과 교육평가. 서울: 교육과학사.
Ex. 이종각(1997). 교육인류학의 탐색(수정ㆍ증보판). 춘천: 도서출판 하우.
Ex. 성내운, 한기호, 김상봉(1983). 세 학교의 이야기. 서울: 학민사.
Ex. 서상용, 장정래, 김병기, 민영식, 구영교, 이민서, 강경수(1991). 대학 교양과학 교육의 현황 및 개선방안. 한국과학기술진흥재단.
Ex. 서상용 외(1991). 대학 교양과학교육의 현황 및 개선방안. 한국과학기술진흥재단.
Ex. Hanson, N. R. (1961). Patterns of discovery: An inquiry into the conceptual foundations of science. London: Cambridge University Press.
Ex. Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. New York: Plenum Press.
Ex. Marshall, C., et al. (1989). Culture and education policy in the American states (2nd ed.). New York: The Palmer Press.
C. Edited books
- 1) After the editor, it is written by “편”. After the editor of English literature, use “Ed” for the single editor or “Eds.”(multiple editors)
Ex. 대원정사 편(1987). 불교에서 나온 말. 서울: 대원정사.
Ex. 송영배 편(1997). 제자백가의 사상. 서울: 현음사.
Ex. 이인효,이혜영,김정원,류방란,오성철 편(1991). 교육과 사회. 서울:교육과학사
Ex. 이인효 외 편(1991). 교육과 사회. 서울:교육과학사
Ex. Carrithers, M, Collins, S., & Lukes, S. (Eds.) (1985). The category of the person: Anthropology, philosophy, history. London: Cambridge University Press
- 1) After the editor, it is written by “편”. After the editor of English literature, use “Ed” for the single editor or “Eds.”(multiple editors)
D. Translated books
- 1) Present the original text, followed by the translation.
- 2) The year of publication should be written as “original year/translation year”.
- 3) Write “역” after the translator. For translated books in English, write “Trans.”.
- 4) In the case of an edited translation, write “편역” after the author. For translated and edited books in English, write "Ed(s). & Trans.".
Ex. 우현민 역(1983). 논어. 서울: 한국서적공사.
Ex. 劉笑敢(1988/1998). 莊子哲學及其演變. (최진석 역. 莊子哲學. 서울: 소나무.)
Ex. Derrida, J. (1967/1973). La voixet le phénomène: Introduction au problème du signe dans la phénomènologie de Husserl. (D. Allison, Trans. Speech and phenomena and other essays on Husserl’s theory of signs. Evanston: Northwestern University Press.)
Ex. Ling, T. O. (1979/1990). Buddha, Marx and God. (김형찬 역. 붓다, 마르크스 그리고 하느님. 서울: 고려원.)
E. Journal Articles
- 1) Identify the pages in the book/edited book/translated book in which the article is published.
- 2) If the author of the article is different from the author of the book/ edited book/translated book in which the paper is published, repeat the bibliography of the book after the paper, except for the year of publication. However, articles in the same author’s book do not repeat the author’s name.
- 3) Articles in periodicals, including journals, should be listed as follows: Author(year of publication of the article). Article title. Journal title, volume(issue), page range, and publisher (if necessary).
- 4) The title of the journal in which the article appeared should be bolded in Korean or italicized in English.
Ex. 장상호(1999). 교육적 반전의 내재율에 비추어 본 고대희랍의 교육삼대. 교육원리연구, 4(1), 1-62. 교육원리연구회.
Ex. Schommer, M. (1993). Epistemological development and academic performance among secondary students. Journal of Educational Psychology, 85(3), 406-411.
F. Dissertations and Theses
- 1) State the author (publication year). Thesis title. Degree classification. Degree granting institution.
Ex. 엄태동(1998). 교육적 인식론 연구: 키에르케고르와 폴라니의 교화적 방법에 대한 교육학적 고찰. 박사학위논문. 서울대학교.
Ex. Gold, N. C. (1981). Meta-evaluation of selected bilingual education projects. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Massachusetts.
- 1) State the author (publication year). Thesis title. Degree classification. Degree granting institution.
G. Reports
- 1) State a researcher (year of publication). Report title. Research organization. Research serial number (if it exists). Publisher (if it exists).
Ex. 교육개혁위원회(1995). 세계화ㆍ정보화 시대를 주도하는 신교육체제 수립을 위한 교육개혁방안 제2차 대통령보고서.
Ex. 조용환 외(1990). 외국 교과서 한국관련내용 연구의 종합적 검토. 한국교육개 발원 연구보고, RR90-23. 서울: 한국교육개발원.
Ex. 조용환, 김회목, 이찬희, 한국교육개발원(1990). 외국 교과서 한국관련내용 연구의 종합적 검토. 한국교육개발원 연구보고, RR90-23. 서울: 한국교육개발원.
Ex. National Cancer Institute. (2019). Taking time: Support for people with cancer (NIH Publication No. 18-2059). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health.
- 1) State a researcher (year of publication). Report title. Research organization. Research serial number (if it exists). Publisher (if it exists).
H. Proceedings
- 1) State the name and characteristics of the proceedings, followed by the location of the event (if necessary).
Ex. 교육인류학연구회 편(1998). 교육연구의 질적 접근, 그 방법과 쟁점. 교육인류학 연구회 춘계학술대회 자료집. 광주교육대학교.
Ex. Educational Anthropology Research Association. (1998). Qualitative approaches to educational research, methods and issues. Proceedings of the Spring Conference of the Society for the Anthropology of Education. Gwangju University of Education. - 2) Present papers in the proceedings as follows.
Ex. Hong, Y. (1998). Participatory Observation and In-depth Interview. Educational Anthropology Research Association. (1998). Qualitative approaches to educational research, methods and issues, 33-53. Proceedings of the Spring Conference of the Society for the Anthropology of Education. Gwangju University of Education.
- 1) State the name and characteristics of the proceedings, followed by the location of the event (if necessary).
I. Magazine articles
- Ex. 조용환(1991). 학교에 대한 기대와 교육의 방치. 사학, 통권 제58호, 22-28. 서울: 대한사립중고등학교장회.
- Ex. Schaefer, N. K., & Shapiro, B. (2019, September 6). New middle chapter in the story of human evolution. Science, 365(6457), 981–982.
J. Newspaper articles
- Ex. 권장희(2000). 비정상적 행위에 보통관객 등 돌려. 동아일보 2000/1/19.
- Ex. Carey, B. (2019, March 22). Can we get better at forgetting? The New York Times.
K. Webpages and websites
- 1) When information is retrieved from the internet, end the reference with URL with the date of access. When you provide the URL, please start the sentence “Retrieved from ...”
- 2) The date of access should be specified.
Ex. American Psychological Association(2001, August 1). APA style for electronic resources. http://www.apastyle.org/styleelecref.html에서 2001/9/5 인출
Ex. American Psychological Association. (2001, August 1). APA style for electronic resources. Retrieved September 5, 2001, from http://www.apastyle.org/styleelecref.html - 3) For nonperiodical documents on the Internet, if the document is undated and published by a general organization and consists of several pages, provide the URL to the homepage (or front page) of the document and state that the document is “undated” (abbreviated as n.d. for no date).
- 4) For documents whose authorship cannot be determined, the title of the document shall be considered the author’s name.
Ex. GVU’s 8th WWW user survey.(n.d.). http://www.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/user_survey/survey-1997-10에서 2000/8/8 인출 U.S. and world population clock. (n.d.). Retrieved January 9, 2020, from https://www.census.gov/popclock/ - 5) Other (such as online forums, discussions, and webpage on a news website)
<예시> 이정모(2000/12/24). 과학도로서의 심리학도의 자세/신조.
http://www.koreanpsychology.org 회원광장 사이버특강에서 2001/10/3 인출.
<예시> 한국일보(2001/10/12). 생명의 비밀 상자-게놈. http://www.hankooki.com에서 2003/1/21 인출.
<예시> 함영기(1999). 교실 밖 선생님. http://webtutor.shinbiro.com에서 1999/9/25 인출.
U.S. Census Bureau. (n.d.). U.S. and world population clock. U.S. Department of Commerce. Retrieved January 9, 2020, from https://www.census.gov/popclock/
- L. Matters that are not set here are subject to APA paper writing.
Supplementary provision
These regulations become effective from the day of announcement.