Research Ethics Statement
Copyright Transfer Agreement
Convergence Education Review, published twice a year by the Convergence Education Research Institute, Korea National University of Education, strives to explore the current issues of convergence education in depth and to promote creative academic exchanges. We welcome papers on a variety of topics, including evidence-based quantitative research on convergence education, qualitative research on meaningful educational practices, and new policy discourse and debates. We look forward to receiving submissions from researchers, teachers, and educators.
- 1. Journal Name : Convergence Education Review
2. Submission Eligibility
: Sign up for JAMS website (free of charge) and submit your article.
- Contributors are strongly encouraged to complete the research ethics training provided by the Research Ethics Training Portal of the National Research Foundation of Korea or the National Institute of Science and Technology Human Resources Development.
Manuscripts that do not comply with the journal publication regulations, thesis writing regulations, and ethics regulations may be rejected, so be sure to read them before submitting.
3. How to submit an article : Register on the JAMS website for convergence education research and proceed with submission
- Go to JAMS homepage (https://cer.jams.or.kr)
※ JAMS submission method is detailed in the Korea Research Foundation Manual, so be sure to read it before submitting.
- Submission Documents: Thesis file, copyright transfer agreement, research ethics statement, KCI literature similarity check confirmation form
- Review fee and publication fee: Exempt
- 4. Submission Period and Publication Date
- Publication date: 30th March , 30th September
- 5. Inquiries :
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(Editor-in-Chief: Jae-Wook Seo)