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About the Project

  • Strengthening the Role of Lead Teachers to Create a Committed Environment for Learning and Teaching

Background and Purpose

- Changes in society, such as the 4th Industrial Revolution and COVID-19, have created new demands for changes in the teaching methods and roles of lead teachers.
- To contribute to the improvement of teaching and learning so that general teachers can devote themselves to teaching, and to prepare a cooperation plan for senior teachers to support students in this regard.

Institute Business Goals

In 2022, the Convergence Education Research Institute will undertake the project "Creating an Environment for Dedication to Teaching and Education by Strengthening the Role of Lead Teachers" to redefine the role of lead teachers in accordance with changes in the education ecosystem, prepare measures to support teachers' classroom guidance and student life guidance, share and disseminate the results of strengthening the role of lead teachers, develop work guidelines for strengthening the professionalism of corner teachers, and propose innovative policies for the selection and placement of lead teachers. Through this project, we aim to expand communication opportunities among the educational community to establish the status and role of lead teachers and contribute to creating a teaching climate in which teachers with teaching expertise are preferentially favored by enhancing the role of lead teachers in responding to rapidly changing educational environments. This project is part of the Convergence Education Research Institute project for "Building a Platform to Revitalize Convergence Education in Response to Changes in the Educational Ecosystem" and is carried out in cooperation with the Korean Association of Elementary and Secondary Head Teachers to lay the foundation for building a platform to revitalize convergence education.


1) Redefining and strengthening the role of head teachers as important educational actors in the education ecosystem
2) Creating a teaching climate where teachers with teaching expertise are preferentially treated

Project Details

1) Analyze the operation status of head teachers and the needs of educational entities

  • Analyze the operation status of head teachers in city and provincial education departments
  • Analyzing the support needs of various educational entities for lead teachers
  • Analyze the contribution of head teachers in schools operating the head teacher system
  • Analysis of needs for improving the head teacher system

2) Analyze head teacher job duties and develop job guidelines

  • Job analysis of head teachers
      - Analyze the legal basis of the head teacher system
      - Analyze the job duties of the head teacher system at the school site
      - Analyze the school site job guidelines for head teachers
  • Development of job guidelines for head teachers
      - Analyzing the Job Requirements of Lead Teachers
      - Analyze the job requirements of school education entities
      - Development of job guidelines for head teachers

3) Discovering and spreading best practices of lead teacher-run schools

  • Utilization of teaching-learning support system, disclosure of lead teacher lessons
  • Identify excellent cases of non-face-to-face consulting support for general teachers who want to consult lessons
  • Establishing a human resource pool of lead teachers by major educational fields
  • Hold a conference to share best practices of lead teacher activities

  • 국제융합교육발전학회
  • 씨드
  • 4D프레임
  • 하늘소리오카리나
  • 전국교사힐링상담센터
  • 깨봉수학
  • 청송교육문화진흥회
  • 한국인문사회연구소 협의회