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What is a lead teacher?

Lead teacher legislation

Elementary and Secondary Education Act Article 19 (Classification of teaching staff)

2. elementary, middle, high, civic, high civic, high technical, and special schools have a principal, vice principal, head teacher, and teachers.

Article 20 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (Duties of School Staff)

Article 20 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (Duties of School Staff)

Lead Teacher Core Roles

Master Teachers, who are experts in teaching, research, and supporting teachers in their teaching and research.

Basic Model of System Operation

This is to reorganize the current one-pronged faculty promotion system into a two-pronged system of Instruction and Management paths.

(- June 29, 2011, Ministry of Education press release on the enactment of the head teacher system)

Lead teachers are not eligible for performance reviews and are prohibited from moving up the administrative ladder.

Jobs and roles

Teach 1/2 time at your school or a reduced class load based on availability (open to all)

Provide classroom and life guidance consulting to teachers who need support, such as new teachers, low-experienced teachers, colleagues interested in improving their teaching, limited-term teachers, and teaching interns.

Act as a consultant for consulting scholars in the region or provide training to consultants for consulting that is highly relevant to the field

Acting as a lecturer at teacher training and education institutions, such as training for new teachers and first-level regular teachers

Qualifying Tenure

Teachers who hold a first-class full-time teacher's license with at least 15 years of elementary and secondary school teaching experience and are employed in public or private schools

4-year term, subject to review and reappointment

Selection Procedure

Recommendation by the Unit School Head Teacher Recommendation Committee

Step 1: Document review and peer interview (including on-site inspection)

Step 2: Competency evaluation (teaching competency, peer support competency, student guidance competency)

Treatment and support contents

Reduction of one-half of the number of teaching hours per teacher per school

Payment for research activities


Balanced assignment to unit schools (elementary)

Placement in a unit school in consideration of subject needs by regional education support office (secondary)


Qualification training: 15 days or more, 90 hours or more

Job training: Performance evaluation of on-the-job training (90 hours out of 90)


Test method: No test

Performance Evaluation

Evaluator: Principal

Verifier: City or provincial superintendent (principal)

Evaluation Conducted: Conducted annually as of December 31st


Re-evaluator: Appointing authority

Re-examination criteria: Achievement evaluation (360 points), training performance evaluation (40 points), and total score of 400 points out of 280 points; those who score less than 280 points will not be reappointed.

  • 국제융합교육발전학회
  • 씨드
  • 4D프레임
  • 하늘소리오카리나
  • 전국교사힐링상담센터
  • 깨봉수학
  • 청송교육문화진흥회
  • 한국인문사회연구소 협의회